Today's wish list was inspired my my so-sweet-i'd-like-to-eat-it Anthropologie peach lip balm. One thing I miss about summer is fresh peaches from the tree going straight into my simple & delicious cobbler. Mmmmm! Another bit of peach info, I had a Barbie with a beautiful flowy peach evening gown, and she was the only one who kept her long hair. I think a part of me knew I was no stylist, so she wouldn't look right with a bob!

From the top: vase from, headband from, shoe clips from, lace earrings from
stitchntyme.etsy.comAlso, two super sweet bloggers were interested in my husband's side project, so I thought I'd share a link with you, too!
Aside from vacuuming our dark wood floors that show EVERYTHING, and doing a little photo editing, my day was pretty lazy. How was yours and what did you do?
And one more thing, don't forget to visit Chloe's beautiful blog to enter her giveaway for a pretty, handmade headband or hair clip!
i have that lip balm too and i love it! although, it's hard for me to get open....
ReplyDeletelove all the peach colored pretties
yay for chris' side project! i hope people read his website!
i wish i had wood floors... i miss them so.
my day has been full of sick girls crawling all over me and sneezing and coughing in my face, watching horton hears a who, eating mini marshmallows and chocolate chips, listening to tom petty's "wildflowers"... and now i'm about to work out and then sew sew sew!
My aunt gave me that lip balm a little while back and it's one of my favorites! I'm going to see her in February (in South Carolina) and she's got an anthropologie near her, so Chris is going to have to get used to high credit card charges!
ReplyDeleteOh no, sorry to hear your girls are still sick. I hope you don't catch it, but woth all that coughing and sneezing, you'll be lucky if it skips you!
I really do love having wood floors because I feel like I can't get carpet really clean, but with these, I know that I'm getting everything. I just hate that every hair, fuzz ball, piece of dust, etc. shows up! I seriously need to vacuum everyday, but I only do it twice a week.
I can't wait to see what your sewing projects are. You're so crafty!
wow, you always find the most adorable things! i love it! and i love chris's side project, seriously it is so neat! and i am glad we have found each others blogs, i know i will keep coming back to yours!
ReplyDeletei love those peach lace earrings. so pretty.
ReplyDeleteand your husband's project sounds so great. thanks for sharing the link.
and you are so right...
wood floors = pretty...but a total pain.
p.s. gonna have to try that peach lip balm.
ReplyDeleteChloe and Kassi, I told Chris that you guys looked at his site, and I seriously don't think his smile could have gotten any wider!
ReplyDeleteChloe, I'm glad that I know about your blog. Your elephants today are so cute, and I think it's sweet that you love them so much!
Lauren, I'm going to warn you, the lip balm smells like candy, so it's sort of a tease!
ReplyDeletei like your blog so i tagged you!
7 things about you..
D, did i tell you how much i LOVED my leather bow necklace? i got it today, just in time to wear it for date night with my brand new fiance :) we saw clooney at his best in "up in the air." it was... interesting. sad, but captivating.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU for fast shipping, pretty packaging, & beautiful work!!!
it's beautiful and i can't wait to do more shopping with you.
seriously, your husband's idea is fabulous and i can't wait to contribute. i believe in the whole Pay It Forward concept and have particpated in various ideas of it and would love to be part of Altruismed. I love it already! and can't wait to spread the word (if he doesn't mind)
ps. peach... my salt and pepper shakers i just bought were peach! have you ever read "james and the giant peach?" childhood favourite.
BuenoBueno, I'll get busy on that when I get home from work this afternoon, I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteMicaela, I'm so glad you like your necklace, and that you got it quickly (it can be sort of iffy with the Rustburg post office). I haven't seen that movie. Chris and I have a list of movies we want to see, so I'll tell him to add that one!
I think it would be great it you were a part of Altruismed! He's been so excited that some other friendly bloggers have shown interest in it, so I know he'll be happy to hear of your interest.
I saw those S&P shakers, and I couldn't help but giggle, so I guess we both have our minds in the gutter from time to time :) I didn't have James and the Giant Peach myself, but when I'd spend the night with my friend from elementary school, I'd read hers when she went to sleep, so it took me a few weeks, but I really loved it. I used to love Beverly Cleary books.
so adorable! you always put up the cutest things. love love love your site!!