i hope you've had a good weekend so far, and i hope you have a happy halloween!
it's the weekend and i've accomplished nothing
it's time to talk bidness
5 things to do when your wallet gets thin
2. utilize the barter system. in the time i've been selling on etsy, i've done some amazing trades with other sellers, and i've also done trades with artists and designers in person. most crafty people like to support other crafty people, and trading is a fun way to get something new without having to spend extra money. shy like me and a little nervous about asking people to trade? here's a site that takes the awkwardness out of asking.
3. make things with items you have around the house. something i made years ago (and need to make more of) was an air freshener that was neat to look at. it's super simple, just get an orange and poke whole cloves into it, completely covering it. the orange will dry and it will leave your house smelling AMAZING! and they're nice to look at, so you can make a few and set them in a decorative bowl on your coffee table!
4. redecorate your house. before chris and i moved into this house (and we had lots more clutter because i was well on my way to being a hoarder), he would come home from work and ask, "what did you change today?" you don't have to buy anything new, but move lamps, books, knick knacks, etc. from room to room until you have a completely new look with no money. but if you have a few dollars to spend, anything can be given a facelift with spray paint!
5. have friends over for dinner and a movie or game night. if you have an appetite like i do, eating out can get expensive. why not invite friends over and tell them each to bring one dish? that way it costs less, plus it's easier to cook one dish than an entire meal! and the best part, staying in means you get to wear sweatpants!
my home: continued and finished
living room:
time for a giveaway!
the rules for entering (and you have multiple chances to win)!
1. leave a comment with your favorite item from adri's shop, and your email address.
2. follow adri's blog and leave a comment letting me know.
3. follow adri on twitter and leave a comment with your twitter name.
4. tweet this: giveaway on @dinosaurtoes from @cheriecreations you pick the prize! http://tinyurl.com/28rmtyx
then leave a comment with a link to your tweet.
good luck! the winner of the ma cherie creations giveaway will be chosen at random next monday!
what i've been working on
in addition to working on things for my shop (this one, too), i've been working in my bedroom. i moved out my old nightstand and in its place, i put an antique stool i had in my dining room. i also got chris to help me hang a collage of framed art, both new and old, above our bed. you'll see pictures soon!
i hope you're having a good and creative weekend!
animal house style
this is where the magic happens.
below: this vintage parrot statue stands on top of the armoire and watches us sleep. i was going to add something else there, but i'm afraid you'll think i'm a terrible pervert. which i may be.
this post doesn't have a name.
sometimes, i just like to take pictures of my supplies. the way they've been arranged, or the grouping of metal and stones i have laying out just seems interesting to me, so i just feel like taking a picture! don't get me wrong, i love film, but i think the best thing about a digital camera is being able to photograph anything and everything you want...for free.
back to the weekend... once chris and i got back home, we went to the garage to do some drilling and work on a few other things for my shop. sometimes i think we have the bes quality time when we're in the garage or working on something together. i'm sure date nights are fun, but for chris and i, we'll take a garage night! we didn't get in any garage time today, but we did find time for salad eating, the shield watching, and laughing at chris' ridiculous made up songs he'd sing while playing his guitar.
i'm working on sorting through more of the pictures i've taken around my house, so i'll be sharing another room tomorrow, but in the meantime, take some pictures of you home so we can see! i'm glad to know from the comments you left me that i'm not the only one who likes sneak peeks!
how has your weekend been so far?
i make things in here.
below: a watercolor painting brittan did just for flojo and i! i love it not only because it's beautiful, but because flojo strikes that EXACT same pose when she's curious about something and watching it closely! i love it!
if you don't have anything else to do, or you do but you're like me and put it off, please take pictures in your house so we can all see! i want to see what your style is like, and maybe you'll inspire me to mix some things up!
heirloom bling.
i have two pieces of exciting news to share with you. the first, and not as exciting bit: i opened a big cartel shop for people who don't want to go through etsy checkout or don't have an account. you can visit my shop here, or click on that link i put in my sidebar. the next bit of news, and certainly the most exciting: dinosaur toes jewelry is now at pretty in pink boutique in costa mesa, ca! yay! i LOVE that store, and you will, too! if you live in the area, you should definitely check it out, or you can shop their site!
what i've been working on
*dream update! so i just did a little researching about my dream, and while i may not be as good at dream interpretation as annie, i think i've figured a few things out. several things in my dream represented fear and worry, along with a feeling of being out of control. that makes sense considering my husband's current job (or no job, rather) situation and our financial stress. but, the best thing of all, the fact that i was in a cabin in my dream means this, "To see or dream that you are in a wood cabin indicates that you will succeed via your own means. It suggests that you are self-reliant and independent, yet still remain humble. You prefer the simpler things in life." nice to know!