how has your weekend been? do anything fun?
one of my favorite things
i'm baaaaack...
never disappear - the twin atlas
fortune - little dragon
i'll try to have some pictures to show you in the next day or two. i also have a few polaroids and five rolls of film from the trip. don't get me wrong, digital is great, but i still love film!
so long, farewell
have a good weekend, friends! i'll see you soon!
what i've been working on
also, i just got off the phone with my brother, derek, who lives in pennsylvania, and talking to him always makes me happy, so any throbbing i felt is temporarily relieved because i'm in such a good mood! if there was anyone else on this planet who had a personality to match mine, or completely understand it, it would be derek. i love my brother...a whole lot. how about you, do you have brothers or sisters? are you really close with them?
tomorrow is wishlist wednesday, and i already have my theme picked out. a hint: it's a current obsession, and you saw above what it is (no, it isn't jewelry)!
lately i've been stalking...
oh, and i've just recently started watching true blood after hearing so many other people talk about it. it took me a few episodes to really get interested, but i finished the last episode of season one, and i can't believe that character died (the one who was in andy's car at the end...i didn't want to spoil it for anyone who hadn't seen, if there is anyone other than me)! i loved him!
my lackluster weekend
on our way back home, i saw a turtle in the road and told chris to pull over. when we got home, i sat mr. turtle in the backyard and then went in to get the camera. chris got this little turtle magnifying glass and said he was going to "examine the turtle with a turtle." for some reason, we thought that was hilarious.
sorry i'm so boring! tomorrow i plan to share with you a new favorite shop i've been stalking. hopefully that will be a little more interesting. so what have you been up to this weekend?
more shooting.
can you keep a secret?
aside from a lighthouse and an abandoned historic colony that dates back to the 1600's, there is no sort of civilization on these islands. what is there: wild horses, shorebirds, dolphins, humpback whales and three species of sea turtles! the time we'll be going is right at the end of the baby turtles making their way to the ocean, so fingers crossed we'll see some! seriously, could this be any more perfect for me? uninhabited islands full of animals? it's too good to be true! so chris and i will pack up the camper and drive the 5 or 6 hours there, then we have to get on a ferry that takes us a few miles across the sound until we reach our island. i seriously cannot wait!
in other exciting news... remember how i told you about going to get ice cream on sunday at one of pop's favorite places? well, while we were there, i saw someone get a dreamsicle soft serve cone, and i swear i must have been foaming at the mouth. i love anything orange flavored, and i've been about to die to go back and try one. today, i made it my lunch. and it was glorious!
wishlist wednesday!
found here: modhuman, esphee, jawaddel, SimpleThrift, milkvintagestore.
one more thing. i've loved reading the responses you guys left me when i had a little rant about people and their comments regarding my child-rearing status. i'm sorry you have to deal with that crap, too, but i'm glad i'm not the only one, and thanks for making me laugh!
two things i love around my home: the crafty edition
i'm going to san francisco!
images from we heart it and google search.
here's my one problem with traveling: i'm too cheap to check my bag, and i have a really difficult time fitting everything into my carry-on. since california weather is SO different from the weather in virginia, i know i'll have to bring extra clothes so i can dress in layers, so i'm thinking about using lauren's idea from when we all met up in june and basically shrink wrapping everything in ziploc bags so it takes up less space! she's a genius!
i know the city is huge, and there's so much i haven't seen, so if you have any suggestions for food, shopping (keep in mind i'm a cheapskate) or anything else, let me know! i don't require much sleep, so i like to try and cram in as much as possible on trips!
have you taken any trips this year? do have any planned for later in the year?
ice cream sundae on sunday
how was your weekend? did you do anything fun or special?
shopping for the animals!
>> p.s. thank you for the link love micaela, carla and jill! you're the best!
wishlist wednesday!
sources: merchant of kismet, another feather, violet 64, hperl, restless general store (thanks a lot, micaela)!
if you have a wish list you'd like to share, please link back to me and leave me a link in the comments section so i can see! i also plan to do a post sort of about animals tomorrow, but i'm still trying to figure out how to put it across...