after thanksgiving blues

I had a great Thanksgiving, how about you? I ate my weight in mashed potatoes, bread and stuffing (I'm a total carboholic) and I got to spend some time with one of my best friends, my brother. Derek lives in Pennsylvania, which isn't thousands of miles away, but still not close enough for me to see him all that often. I know it'll pass, but for about a week after he leaves, I'm a little down in the dumps. Luckily, he'll be visiting over Christmas, so I don't have too long to wait!

Now, on to the happier stuff! I love leather (but the recycled scraps since I'm an animal lover), so it should come as no surprise that I'm totally in love with making and wearing these little leather pouch necklaces! I made an itty bitty one for myself to keep a few of Miss Flojo's feathers with me, and I currently have a few photographed and for sale in my shop, but there are more on the way!

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