Charlottesville was a success friends, yes it was. YES it was! I'm so glad I went! I was a bit apprehensive when I first got the email about attending, as the small shows I've done here in
Lynchburg have always attracted a browsing crowd, not a buying crowd, and this town just isn't too artsy. I was pleasantly surprised with the
Charlottesville show, not only because I made more than I thought I would, but because everyone was just so friendly! I had the pleasure of meeting some very nice people, and I do hope that we'll stay in touch! All in all, I'm just one big goofy grin, and I can't wait to do it again! The only downside is the fact that I had to come back home :( I have heard that the art scene is moving
south from
Charlottesville, and seeing as how we're only an hour away, I hope it comes here SOON! For a little photo fun, since most people skip over the text anyway :), I made myself a new
facebook pic. You like?
I'm so glad the show worked out for you! Your pieces are beautiful, I knew they'd be a hit.