What I've been working on...

Do you watch the show 'How I Met Your Mother'?  If you don't we can't be friends. I JEST!  But really, it's hilarious, and I always feel like I want to start my posts by saying, "Well, kids..." or "Kids, lately things have been..."  But I digress before I even get to the point at hand: I've been busy!  I feel like I've had so many new ideas lately (and lots of others that aren't quite ready to show), and I love when things are complete so that I can share them!

Rings, Tote, Earrings, Necklace, Bracelet, Earrings, Bracelet, Bracelet, Bracelet, Necklace, Tote

In addition to jewelry, and to follow along with the entertainment vein, I feel like I've been living in a less exaggerated version of 'Honey, I Shrunk The Kids' only without kids, of course.  Do you remember how their house was filled with little gadgets and techie, scientific ways of doing the simplest of things?  Chris has been talking for months now about making a generator of sorts so that while I'm riding my exercise bike, my work powers the screen rather than batteries.  What greeted me when I got home last Friday afternoon was 1. a completely disassembled laptop (why, I have no idea as it has nothing to do with the bike generator) taking up one section of our home office, 2. a generator in the works that took up another section of our office (which of course was accompanied by an in-depth description of electrical workings, components, and tech talk I don't understand), and 3. the cherry on top, a completely disassembled exercise bike in the exercise room.  I feel like I'm living in one big science fair project.  I'll be glad to have my exercise bike back since I have yet another injury that keeps me from running, but it's kind of neat to be married to s guy that's so smart and fully grasps the logistics and workings of things I generally take for granted.


  1. Wowsa, these are really pretty! Different from what I've seen from you before. Very nice!! /borat

  2. ALWAYS MORE PYRITE RINGS. but really everything is gorgeous. also science fair house, yes!

  3. I really love your bangles! All the time. Also, I wish I knew electronics like that. I could totally disassemble something mechanical & get it to work again...but electrical things baffle me. Need an oil change?

  4. girl, these are stunning! loving these new pieces!!! xo

  5. I'm glad you don't mind me being nerdy sometimes.

  6. that was one of my fav movies as a kid.. so funny to think about it w/ so much stuff around : ) and your jewelry is GORGEOUS!! WOW, love the natural stones and pretty hues.



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