she collects seashells down by the seashore.

i really planned to post this yesterday, but after working my butt off on things for the shop, things for another shop, and a friend's website, plus spending time with my husband of 10 years (that's really odd to say), i just didn't have enough time! i wanted to show you a little sampling of the pretty ocean treasures i collected while stranded on an island...

like i said, this is strictly a sampling as it would have taken me all day to photograph all the shells and coral! the large conch shells (some of them are the size of my head) take up half of my deck, while the smaller shells and coral take up the other half! side note: i did not kill the sand dollars; they washed up in the massive waves of a hurricane 900 miles off the coast and were dead when i found them. didn't want you to think i was a murderous collector.

so since our anniversary fell on a thursday, chris and i decided to celebrate this weekend. we didn't do anything really extravagant, but we did go to dinner at a restaurant nicer and more pricey than we'd go to any other time, and i did a little tap dance (okay, two) in the parking lot for him to top off our night. i don't know where it came from as i'm not a dancer, but it seemed appropriate. we also did a little metalworking in the shop together which i always enjoy. all in all, a pretty quiet weekend.

how was your weekend? what did you do?


  1. i love sand dollars... up north at our old beach we had tons but the waves were so big and powerful that they were always broken. what pretty ones you found!
    i have BOXES of shells that i've collected over the years... so pretty.

    i love that you randomly tap danced in the parking lot for chris - you kill me. happy anni!


  2. Happy anniversary--ten years is amazing!--and these are gorgeous treasures! I feel like the beaches I visit regularly are so populated that there are no more pretty sea things left to hunt down and bring home. :( Oh how conch shells remind me of growing up!

  3. Your blog makes me so happy!! The next time you are in my neck of the woods lets go collect seashells. XO!!

  4. Wow your shell collection is cool. My weekend was spent doing some writing work. Nothing exciting!

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  5. these are all so beautiful.
    glad to hear that you and your man had a lovely time.

  6. aw all those shells are so beautiful! im also a shell collector, i just think that they are so stunning.


I'd love to hear what you think!