rock candy.

i know this post is a little late coming, but blame it partially on my body-related midlife crisis (i just want to exercise like crazy lately because i refuse to accept the fact that my body is changing and decide that i can't do anything about it), and my never-long-enough chat with carla. but i did finally get some pictures adjusted so i could show you some of the beautiful stones i saw on saturday. of course, i wouldn't be me if i was completely with it and prepared, so i forgot to photograph the stones i got! i'll do that later.....maybe.....if i remember.

there were so, so, so many gorgeous stones, and i wish i could have gotten closer, more detailed pictures of some of the large (and really expensive) mineral specimens, but i know some people are really funny about having their stuff photographed. if i thought i could pull off covert picture taking and be sneaky like a jungle cat, believe me, i would have, but i'd probably draw attention to myself by knocking over a 60 pound $750 quartz druzy or something.

it was a really fun day, and i'm planning on going to another one, but coming home with LOTS more. of course after we were about 20 minutes away i got all sorts of ideas for all of these stones and beads i saw, but there was no way i was going to turn around and go back so that all four of us could go back in and look at everything again!

also, this is completely off the subject of stones, but i feel the need for a from the heart type post. i'm going to try to get my thoughts in order and talk about my dilemma tomorrow, because i really am curious as to whether i'm the only one feeling like this, or if it's pretty common.

that's it for now. happy tuesday!


  1. Those are all beautiful. It reminds me of being a child because I use to have a massive rock collection as a kid and I use to collect rocks that looked like those. I cannot wait to see the ones you picked out.

  2. It looks like a treasure trove! How awesome! Hearts, janna lynn

  3. Treasures! I really need to visit my rock place! I have a giant rock collection that I'm stealing from my mom too. Also, my cousin that I stayed with in Seattle had huge chunks of amethyst all over her house! I might have to get her a piece of your jewelry as a thanks for the free room for 3 nights.

    I miss you & need to catch up with you! I got to talk to Mars already. I'm having Toes withdrawals!

  4. Now I want actual rock candy. I don't typically even like it, but seriously, my mind automatically gravitates to the food side of things and for some reason a chunk of rock hard sugar sound yum. On topic: The rocks are SO PRETTY! :)

  5. I always gawk at the pretty stones and gems at the swap meet. All so pretty. You know, I AM an amateur rock collector. ;) also, I hate taking photos of peoples stuff, and I also hate I just don't.

    I went to the post office today with a package for you, and when I got there I realized I forgot to write your address on the package. silly me. annnnyways. it will be sent out tomorrow.

    I hope you're okay. I don't like dilemmas. email me if you need to.

  6. It's all my fault! But the images make my eyes do swirlies.
    In a good way.

  7. Oh goodness, this looks like such fun!

  8. They're just soo pretty!

  9. Everything is soooo purdy! Rocks are way cool.

  10. i would have spent all my money.

  11. Wow, you got some great pictures, even if they're not super up close or anything. Glad you had fun!

  12. 'i refuse to accept the fact that my body is changing and decide that i can't do anything about it'


    also, these are amazing.

  13. whoa, crystal awesomeness! totally rock candy :) can't wait to see what you came home with...

    I have been having the EXACT same thing going on. all of a sudden i realized that this year i might be wearing shorts and a tee shirt instead of a bikini to the beach. it sucks because i hate working out. i think i am lazy. ha ha ha!

    anyway, sorry i didn't get a hold of you monday. maybe next monday we can chat?

  14. The green ones are calling my name! I love the blog design, too.


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