I saw this post on Emma's blog and decided to join in. I know that I get a little down on myself because my legs aren't as skinny as I'd like, or my clothes or boring, or my hair is a mess, or a million other reasons, but the fact is, we all have positive qualities and characteristics that derserve some attention! So the rule is to list talents and quirks that make you amazing. If you'd like to play, and I hope you do, you can link up on Emma's
>> I do that "evil eyebrow" thing without trying to anytime I'm trying not to smile too big. In my drama class in high school, a group of girls would always get me to do it.
>> I love animals more than anyone I know, and I'd risk or give my life in an instant if it meant saving them. I have a special fondness for birds and turtles, and would one day love to use and share my knowledge about my avian friends in some capacity.
>> I have several different "characters" that I do in different accents, and they always seem to give my family a good laugh.
>> I'm a pretty good shot, and even though Chris won't admit it to anyone else, he told me I was WAY better at the rifle than he was even after lots of practice!
>> I can give Chris a piggyback ride (I'm 5'2" and he's 6'2") and I could squat as much as some of the guys in high school track, and I'm not sure if it's because I'm short or have bionic woman leg muscles!
>> I'm not above looking or acting foolish if it means making someone laugh.
>> I know more about cars, engines, and their components than most.
>> Give me an occasion, no matter how long ago, and I will most likely be able to tell you what I was wearing, and the outfits of those around me. Chris likes this trick when he has a meeting and wants to be sure he doesn't wear the same thing twice in a row!
Now, link up on Emma's blog to play along, or leave me some of your talents in the comments section! Also, don't forget to enter my giveaway if you haven't already!